Blog | ISO: Ultimate Ultra-Compact Camera

ISO: Ultimate Ultra-Compact Camera

Over the years I've made my way through various Ultra-Compact digital cameras, the latest being the Canon Powershot SD550. I don't especially like the SD500 for a number of reasons which I don't feel like listing here. What I am going to list, is what I do want in an Ultra-Compact Digital Camera:

Required: Somewhere Between 5 and 10 Megapixels RAW Mode Full Manual Mode Tripod Mount Excellent Low-light Performance Quick or Instant Startup Time ≥ 3" LCD ≥ 2x Optical Zoom At Least 24-50mm Equivalent Zoom Fits Easily in Pocket Macro Mode Video Mode Doesn't Use Obscure Memory Format USB 2.0

Would be Nice: Water-Resistent of Water-Proof Image Stabilization Bluetooth / 802.11x Face Recognition Standard Sized Batteries

Obviously there is currently no camera that meets my required specs, but I'm hoping there will be some time soon. I was considering the Leica D-Lux 3, but because of its poor low-light performance and protruding lens won't work for me. If my SD550 dies before a camera with my required specs comes along, I'll probably go with the Nikon Coolpix S51, although it doesn't have a RAW nor manual modes.... ok so maybe that won't work. For now I'll just make it a point to lug around my 5D as much as possible.

Btw, this post was inspired by Scott Beale's post about his new Fuji Finepix F50.

UPDATE I have created a handy little size guide so you can get a real life idea of the size of the various Ultra-Compact cameras out there. So far I have only done Canon and Nikon, but I plan on adding other manufacturers. You can download the Ultra-Compact Camera Size Comparison Chart [66k PDF].

UPDATE 2 Hmm, I think this might be the perfect camera for me: Canon SD870 IS.



Post date:

Monday, September 17th, 2007 at 11:17th:30 PM
